Bossen Coffee Jelly (8.8lbs jar)
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Delivery Time
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If you place an order before 1 pm Central Time, your order will be shipped the same business day. If you order after 1 pm, your order will be shipped the following business day.
* If an order occurs within a Sunday or holiday, they will be shipped the following business day.
All International orders are shipped via US Postal Service Priority & Insured, but the customer is responsible for this cost. All International orders will be held pending approval of shipping cost. Boba Direct Inc. must declare the actual cost of merchandise on customs orders. International shipping time usually takes 7 - 14 days.
+ Arrival times for shipments to HI, AK, PR, GU, and other US territories, and APO/FPO addresses may vary.
Please contact us at 866-487-2622 for additional shipping details.
Return Policy
All requests for returns must be completed with us within 15 days of your receipt of the shipment. We will not consider any refunds after 15 days. Additionally, we reserve the right to charge a 30% restocking fee for all returned items. Thank you for your understanding.
All of our items have been carefully inspected prior to being shipped and will leave our warehouse in perfect condition. Any breakage in shipping must be reported within 3 days of receipt. Original packaging materials and paperwork must be readily available for processing claims.
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Bossen Coffee Jelly (8.8lbs jar)
$23.00Ask a Question
Coffee Jelly and other toppings add extra fun and flavor into your beverage and dessert menus. Whether its delicious grass jelly in your milk tea, colorful assorted yogo jelly in your fruit tea, or mango jelly spread atop your snow fluff, Boba Direct offers a variety of jellies that will sweeten any beverage or dessert. Unit Sold by: Per jar (8.8 lbs)
Storage & Care:
– Avoid excessive heat or moisture.
– Avoid constant exposure to light.
– Expiration date as marked on the package.
Shelf Life: 1 year
Country of Origin: Taiwan
Net Weight: 7.26 lbs per tub, 29.04 lbs per case